Black-Tie Babysitting is a premier on-site childcare service for special occasions and events servicing the North Texas and DC/MD/VA area.
We know that how kids are handled at an event makes a BIG difference and we can help. Whether you are having a wedding reception, convention, or family reunion, we will bring our sitters to your location to entertain and supervise the children while your guests relax and enjoy themselves.
With packages that can be customized for your event to, we are excited to come and play.
Black-Tie Babysitting has been nominated for the Best Babysitting Service in Dallas Child Magazine! This statements means so much to my team and I. To turn the nomination to a win I need you all to vote. Voting is open from now until November 11th. It’s a David and Goliath battle considering won last year but we can win. Please vote and share. Thanks in advance for your help
“As a parent myself, I can promise that safety will always be our first priority. This page is to provide resources that will hopefully reassure you and encourage you to allow your child to participate in our childcare services at the event.”
Hope, Black-Tie Babysitting owner
“Thank you for having such a great business of trusting, caring, patient people!! The girls had a great time with Ms. Mandy and Ms. Martha!! Sydney wants to know when they can visit again ;)”
ShawnaHappy Parent
“We are excited to have the return of Black-Tie Babysitting Services to VISIONS: The Women’s Expo. They provide a wonderful service for our expo and they truly entertain and challenge the young children they watch.”
Patrick BuchenPresident / CEO – Adjuvant Expos, Inc.
“I used Black-Tie Babysitting for my wedding. I had a lot of parents thanking me for providing this service. Even a month after the wedding, we are still getting wonderful comments regarding this business.”
LadiHappy Bride